Standards Based Digital Critical Thinking Post #1

When it comes the digital conversation of whether teachers can successfully teach students to be responsible on one of the largest growing medias, the discussion must include if even the students can handle and learn the amount of responsibilities that are needed to learn online rules, and one of those responsibilities is whether or not students can understand that information given online is not always true and whether or not they can recognize a true source or a false source and learn to cite sources correctly(True or Not).

One of the problems with being able to teach students in the ways of being technologically responsible is that depending on the age, if they have the capability to understand the consequences of not following online rules. In my opinion with the growing pace of technology and the rising number of children who have access to it, the younger the better it would be to teach students about how to use technology responsibly. The way it initially needs to be treated as if you were teaching a student how to respect a book, you handle it with care, you don’t write mean things in the book, and you have to understand that bears don’t talk, just because it was in a book. It’s much like computers or IPads, handle with care, don’t write hurtful messages on any form of social media, and that not all the information given is true. I think teachers today are capable of creating a respectful atmosphere for teaching children how to use technology, and as long as the standards created are reinforced every year of schooling, teachers should be able to introduce a new generation of technologically literate children.

A large issue with any grade that deals with computers is sources. Teachers ALWAYS, stress the importance of good sources, usually saying that a .edu or a .gov cite are going to be the best sources and to never use Wikipedia. Teachers should be focusing on students being able to find different opinions, compare the two see the differences and also be able to find non biased information. Since even textbooks today are biased, its even more important for students to be able to access an un biased view, so that students can form their own opinion. Also students would be able to use sources to better their work when they can fully cite who it came from as a way to tell if it is a good source or not (True or Not).



One thought on “Standards Based Digital Critical Thinking Post #1

  1. I really like the metaphor that you used with the book. I think that it really got a clear point across to the readers. I agree that it should be very important to the teachers and they should put it into their agenda to teach.
    What are ways that a teacher could talk to the students about the importance of being digitally critical?


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